Friday, August 10, 2007

2 weeks and counting...

Hmm... So two weeks up in Netherlands. Time for another entry.

The calender says its been 15 days in Delft. I can't really tell. Time is such a funny thing, sometimes it just flashes past you, and sometimes just refuses to budge, like now...

During these two weeks, I've come to know the pleasant and the not-so-pleasant aspects of life here. Firstly, all this cycling presented too much exercise for my groin initially, and left me with a sore rear (the miscreant is shown above). But I have got more or less used to it now. What really is a "pain in the ass" is cooking. Every day!! Man! Dont know how I'll arrange for the remaining 75 dinners lined up, waiting to be cooked.

But the worst of all is... longing. Longing for the days I spent, surrounded by friends and family. The few acquaintances I've made, have been good to me. But thats the occupational hazard of being a graduate student - The friends you make are as busy as you, if not more. And nothing can make us f**kers part with our money easily.

Sometimes I get this weird feeling, something similar to the one I always have when I get pen sets as birthday gifts. But I guess, you gotta catch whatever life throws at you, and catch it with both hands. You cant always have aloo ka paranthas for breakfast and rajma chaawal for dinner, or come home from work to find someone waiting for you, eager to hear your "you-know-what-happened-today" stories. But you can have a pale,tasteless pasta and the satisfaction of making it on your own for breakfast, or you can come home just in time for your daily 7'o clock, 1 hr of F.R.I.E.N.D.S, followed by half an hour of Scrubs!

Bottomline - You gotta adapt...just like my butt.


Ashima Sehgal said...

i know time just flew.. just tht here, it feels like u hv been gone forever.. and days are back to subah-physics-raat-mein-maths, like it was wen u were in dwarka.. me and mum left here, trying to figure out tuition schedules, other appointments, pending work to do and friends to catch up with.. and in the midst of all of this, trying to find sm time to maybe go out of the house to avoid the desolation tht has creeped into our everyday lives..
music is sm relief, but its when i sit alone, without the countless things to do rummaging through my mind, i realize how much i really miss talking to you, bugging you, fighting with you over songs to play, telling you each story sm twenty times..

AA said...

apartments suck (if u dont put them to proper use). A hostel would have been much better.

make as many friends as you can. talk to total strangers for no reason.

Believe me, life will become much more interesting.

AA said...

and try some sea food. dont be so bloody prejudiced.

Shiwali said...

You forgot other as cumbersome things like managing you bank accounts and a heap load of papers which make no sense at all, your rent, laundry, cleaning and all the other things which somehow were magically done without even your noticing in the good old days. And you are always scared that something or other will go wrong.
(I am scared of living alone in the house too!!)
Growing up sucks bigtime!!!
Wish cud always remain a kid...

Ushasi said...

Wonderful writing...your home sickness is quite palpable. For those who've faced it and face it everyday your post will ring several bells.